Consolidate all product ideas, requests, and feedback from colleagues and customers in one place. Prioritize the right features and design them in the right way. You'll always have user insights on hand to support every product decision.

Surface the feature ideas that best address user needs and support your product strategy. Confidently decide what to build next and share the rationale with your team.

Lead your organization forward by rallying everyone around your roadmap. You can share different versions with different stakeholders, and if plans change they'll all stay up to date.

Manage product development, product marketing, and launch activities all from one place. Integrate with development planning tools like Jira, Trello, GitHub, and Pivotal Tracker.

Not everyones' needs can be accommodated. But by gathering feedback, encouraging collaboration, and offering transparency into tough product tradeoffs, you’ll win the buy-in your plans deserve.

Bring customers into the fold. Keep them informed on ideas you’re still considering, what’s coming next, and what’s been launched. Validate ideas and collect user feedback every step of the way.

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